Are you claiming fully for your scientific and medical R&D projects?
The pharmaceutical industry is one of the biggest global industries involved in research and development, and fits the typical stereotype image of ‘people in white lab coats’ undertaking R&D in laboratories. However, whilst that remains a major part of R&D, there are also many other companies involved in areas such as specialist testing, packaging, and medical equipment design which may also qualify for R&D tax credits.
Latest HMRC Statistics - Professional, Scientific & Technical*
What qualifies as R&D in the scientific and medical sector?
The R&D tax credits scheme rewards any company that undertakes work to resolve a ‘scientific or technological uncertainty’ and in doing so increases the overall knowledge or capability in that field. Qualifying activities may include:
- Development and clinical trials of new drugs.
- Adapting or developing manufacturing processes to specifically meet the requirements for new or improved drugs or medical devices thereby extending scientific capabilities.
- Development of new or improved testing techniques that advance scientific knowledge.
- Manufacture of innovative or enhanced medical devices to enhance patient care significantly.
- Development of new packaging in order to advance areas such as shelf life, temperature storage or sustainability.

Download our Science & Medicine leaflet to find out more

Why work with SciTax?
The R&D tax relief scheme is a highly technical and complex process. With extensive experience working within this field, we are well-positioned to help scientific companies and related industries claim for their innovation.
At SciTax, we take a supportive approach to guiding our clients through the entire claims process. We offer regular visits to your premises (where required) to discuss and review R&D activities to ensure we maximise your benefit. Additionally, we undertake as much of the R&D claim work as possible from identifying eligible projects, through to writing technical narratives, and calculating difficult R&D calculations.
Our support doesn’t end when we submit your claim. Our fee structure includes full enquiry support should your claim be investigated by HMRC.

Are you ready to start your R&D claim?
* Source: HMRC R&D tax credits statistics 2023.