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Food & Beverage

Is your food and beverage business claiming fully for its innovation?

The food and beverage industry is the UK’s largest manufacturing sector. R&D has always played a part in the industry but has increased with heightened awareness of allergies, and greater demand for healthier types of food and drink. Some companies in this sector are eligible for an R&D claim.

Latest HMRC Statistics - Food & Hospitality*

Claims processed
Total sector claim value
£ 0 m
Average claim value
£ 0

What qualifies as R&D in the food and beverage sector?

The R&D tax credits scheme rewards any company that undertakes work to resolve a ‘scientific or technological uncertainty’ and in doing so increases the overall knowledge or capability in that field. Qualifying activities may include:

Download our Food & Beverage leaflet to find out more

Beverage company developed a filling and packaging process using bottles and closures made exclusively from Polylactic Acid (PLA) derived purely from an annually renewable plant source, rather than fossil fuels.
Food company sought to extend the shelf life of authentic cuisine into ready meals with a sell by date of 5 days without using preservatives or additives.
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Why work with SciTax?

The R&D tax relief scheme is a highly technical and complex process. With extensive experience working within this field, we are well-positioned to help companies in food and beverage and related industries claim for their innovation.

At SciTax, we take a supportive approach to guiding our clients through the entire claims process. We offer regular visits to your premises (where required) to discuss and review R&D activities to ensure we maximise your benefit. Additionally, we undertake as much of the R&D claim work as possible from identifying eligible projects, through to writing technical narratives, and calculating difficult R&D calculations.

Our support doesn’t end when we submit your claim. Our fee structure includes full enquiry support should your claim be investigated by HMRC.

* Source: HMRC R&D tax credits statistics 2023.